Thursday, March 25, 2010

my home town map

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If you know what it is in the second picture?
If you know the statue is whom in the frist picture?


  1. 1.How many people in this city ? many vistiors come to the Shenyang international horticulture active postion?
    3.How many places are listed in the world culture heritages ? what are they?
    4.Which province's centre is Shenyang?
    5.What is in the west part of Shenyang?

  2. 1. what has made the city environment better?
    2. List one honor the city has earned
    3. How is Shenyang opening up to the world
    4. Name to industries in Shenyang

  3. 1- 7.4 million
    2-12 million
    3-3 and they are chin yain empror palas, falling tom and chaoling tom
    4- Liaoning province.
    5-factory endustry.

  4. 1- 7.4 million
    2- over 12 million
    3- 3
    4- North Asia
    5- manufacturing industry zone

    1- They planted more trees.
    2- Enviroment Protection
    4-Shenyang Blower Worksig; Shenyang Heavy Machinery Group.

  5. @Alex:
    1. 7.4 million population.
    2. 12million
    equipment manufacturing industry
    1. the trees
    2. National model city of forest
    3. Sign contact with international customer manufacturing industry
    Chemical industry
    Hi-tech tradtional industry

  6. 1)7,4 million.
    2)over 12 million.
    3)three. tomb, flotom and imperial place.
    4)youmhill province.

  7. 1.How many people in this city ?
    7.4 million population
    1. what has made the city environment better?
    because it has inernational model city of environmental protection and national city of forect and on of the most victory city of economy many vistiors come to the Shenyang international horticulture active postion?
    12 million vistors
    3. How is Shenyang opening up to the world
    because it has many international events like world prodactivity conferance and china international equipment manifactoring and china korea week
    4. Name two industries in Shenyang

    china chemical industry and high tack and traditonal industry
    3.How many places are listed in the world culture heritages ? what are they?
    world prodactivity conferance and china international equipment manifactoring and china korea week

  8. 1.7.4 million
    2.12 million
    3 the imperial palace ,fuling tomb zhaoling tomb
    5.factory industires

    1. plant more trees and the sky become clearly
    2.National city of forest
    3.the Shenyang international horticulture act postion
    4.china chemistry in dustry high-tech and traditional industry
